Brantley Lake State Park

Brantley Lake State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / New Mexico
Location:12 miles north of Carlsbad via US 285, then 4.5 miles northeast on Eddy County Road 30.
Facilities:51 developed campsites (all with electric hookups), restrooms (é), showers, picnic areas (é), group shelter, playground,trails, 2 boat ramps, courtesy dock, fishing dock, visitor center (é).
Activities:Camping, boating, sailing, fishing, swimming, water-skiing, jet skiing, hiking, interpretive programs (seasonal).
Special Features:Park is a southern desert park, and Brantley Lake is the southernmostlake in New Mexico. The visitor center includes historical exhibitsabout the Wild West town of Seven Rivers.
Address:PO Box 2288
Carlsbad, NM 88221

Size: 3,000 acres land; 4,000 acres water. Elevation: 3,300 feet.

See other parks in New Mexico.