Ernst Meumann

Meumann, Ernst


Born Aug. 29, 1862, in Uerdingen, near the city of Krefeld; died Apr. 26, 1915, in Hamburg. German educator and psychologist; the founder of experimental pedagogy.

Meumann studied at the universities of Berlin, Halle, and Bonn. He was a co-worker of W. Wundt in Leipzig. From 1897 he was a professor of philosophy and pedagogy in Zurich, K6-nigsberg, Minister, Halle, Leipzig, and Hamburg. His most important research consisted of experimental studies of the development of memory in children. Meumann attempted to synthesize various psychological concepts of the development, abilities, and successful training of the child and to use them as the basis for the theory and practice of education. He was the author of a number of works on aesthetics.


In Russian translation:
Ekonomiia i tekhnika pamiati. Moscow, 1913.
Lektsii po eksperimentaVnoi pedagogike, 3rd ed., parts 1–3. Moscow, 1914–17.
Intelligentnost’ i volia. [Moscow] 1917.
Ocherk eksperimentaVnoi pedagogiki, 2nd ed. Moscow, 1922.


Vvedenie v sovremennuiu estetiku. Moscow, 1909.
Estetika, vols. 1–2. Moscow, 1919.
Müller, P. E. Meumann als Begründer der experimentellen Pädagogik. Zürich, 1942. (Dissertation.)