DGADirectors Guild of America (movie directors union)
DGADirecteur Général Adjoint (French: Deputy Director General)
DGADisc Golf Association (Aromas, CA)
DGADemocratic Governors' Association
DGADélégation Générale pour l'Armement (France)
DGADirección General de Aduanas (Spanish: Directorate General of Customs; various nations)
DGADirectia Generala Anticoruptie (Romanian: Anticorruption General Directorate)
DGADirection Générale de l'Armement (French: Directorate General of Armament; French Ministry of Defense)
DGADirecteur-Grootaandeelhouder (Dutch: Managing Director and Major Shareholder)
DGADietary Guidelines for Americans
DGADélégué Général pour l'Armement (French: Delegate General for Armaments)
DGADirect Graphics Access
DGADissolved Gas Analysis
DGADiputación General de Aragón (Spainish: General delegation of Aragón)
DGADiglycolamine (trademark of Huntsman Corporation)
DGADepartment of General Affairs (various organizations)
DGADirection Générale de l'Agriculture
DGADeutsche Gesellschaft für Asienkunde (German Asian Studies Association)
DGADon't Go Away
DGADifferential Graded Algebra (mathematics)
DGADiet Ginger Ale (beverage)
DGADépartement de Géophysique Appliquée (French: Department of Applied Geophysics)
DGADirección de Gestión Ambiental (Spanish)
DGADangriga, Belize - Dangriga (Airport Code)
DGADamn Good Airplane (series of high-performance aircraft built by Benny Howard)
DGADense Grade Aggregate (masonry)
DGADrunken Golf Association (online)
DGADigital Guardian Angel
DGAData Generation Agent
DGADangerous Goods Advisor
DGADesignated Geographical Area
DGADamn Good Arcers (gaming clan)
DGADramatists Guild of America, Inc.
DGADynamic Global Area
DGADamn Good Answer
DGADynamic Greedy Algorithm (routing model)
DGADiscrete Geometric Approach