Acronym | Definition |
FMV➣Fair Market Value |
FMV➣Full Motion Video |
FMV➣Faculté de Médecine Vétérinaire (French: Faculty of Veterinary Medicine; various locations) |
FMV➣Försvarets Materielverk (Swedish Defence Materiel Administration; Procurement agency for the Swedish armed forces) |
FMV➣Frame Vector Metafile |
FMV➣For My Vehicle (OnStar Corporation) |
FMV➣Fakulta Medzinárodných Vztahov (Slovak: Faculty of International Relations) |
FMV➣Fonds Municipal Vert (French: Green Municipal Fund) |
FMV➣Forces Motrices Valaisannes (Swiss electric company) |
FMV➣Feathery Mottle Virus (plant disease) |
FMV➣For Maximum Value (King Soopers brand) |
FMV➣Foreign Market Value |
FMV➣Finesse Move (gaming) |
FMV➣Fredrikstad Mekaniske Verksted (Fredrikstad, Norway) |
FMV➣Future Market Value |
FMV➣Fan Made Video |
FMV➣Forest of Marston Vale (UK) |
FMV➣Fujitsu Multimedia Vision (Japan) |
FMV➣Feyziye Mektepleri Vakfi (Turkey) |
FMV➣Faijat Mailan Varressa (Finnish sports league) |
FMV➣Fuel Metering Valve |
FMV➣Fast-Moving Vehicle |
FMV➣Fully Maintained Vehicle |
FMV➣Face Mask Ventilator |
FMV➣Family of Military Vehicles |
FMV➣Full Motion Violence (online gaming) |
FMV➣Fédération Musicale Vosgienne |