Catahoula Parish

Catahoula Parish, Louisiana

PO Box 654
Harrisonburg, LA 71340
Phone: (318) 744-5497
Fax: (318) 744-5488

In northeastern LA, northeast of Alexandria; organized Mar 23, 1808 (prior to statehood) from Rapides Parish. Name Origin: From an Indian name of uncertain origin. Three derivations have been suggested: for the Etacoulow River 'River of the Great Spirit,' now called Little River, which runs through the parish; from Choctaw okkattahoola 'beautiful white water,' or Choctaw-French combination 'lake people.'

Area (sq mi):: 739.43 (land 703.65; water 35.78) Population per square mile: 14.80
Population 2005: 10,447 State rank: 59 Population change: 2000-20005 -4.30%; 1990-2000 -1.30% Population 2000: 10,920 (White 71.30%; Black or African American 27.10%; Hispanic or Latino 0.90%; Asian 0.10%; Other 1.00%). Foreign born: 0.10%. Median age: 36.70
Income 2000: per capita $12,608; median household $22,528; Population below poverty level: 28.10% Personal per capita income (2000-2003): $16,747-$19,922
Unemployment (2004): 8.10% Unemployment change (from 2000): -3.00% Median travel time to work: 38.30 minutes Working outside county of residence: 40.30%
Cities with population over 10,000: None
See other counties in Louisiana.