


(bee louse), an invasionary bee disease, caused by a wingless parasitic fly, the bee louse (braula). The source of the infection is sick bees and honeycombs infected by bee louse eggs. The bee louse, attaching itself to the mouth parts of the bee and irritating its upper lip, causes the secretion of a drop of honey, which it eats. The bees weaken and the queen bees become exhausted, lose their ability to lay eggs, and frequently die. The productivity of the colony falls. Braulosis most strongly infects bees in late summer and fall. To destroy the eggs, larvae, and pupae of the bee louse, the wax covers are removed from the honeycombs and the lice are melted into the wax. The combs are disinfected with carbon disulfide and formalin. Naphthaline, camphor, and timal are used to kill adult bee lice, as is fumigation with phenothiazine and makhorka. Hives contaminated with bee lice are quarantined as a preventive measure. The sale and shipping of braulosis-infected bees is forbidden.


Poltev, V. I. Bolezni pchel, 4th ed. Leningrad, 1964.
Alekseenko, F. M. “Braulez pchel.” In Veterinarnaia entsiklopediia, vol. 1. Moscow, 1968.