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caput [kap´ut] (pl. cap´ita) (L.) head.anatomical terminology for the expanded or chief extremity of an organ or part.caput medu´sae the dilated cutaneous veins around the umbilicus, seen mainly in the newborn and in patients suffering from cirrhosis of the liver.caput succeda´neum localized edema, congestion, and petechiae on the fetal and newborn scalp (presenting part), crossing the suture lines.cir·som·pha·los (ser-som'fă-los), Rarely used term for caput medusae [G. kirsos, varix, + omphalos, umbilicus] cirsomphalos (sĕr-sŏm′fă-lōs) [″ + omphalos, navel] Varicose veins around the navel.FinancialSeeCaput |