(also Philip). Born 1507; died Dec. 23, 1569. Russian religious and political figure. Metropolitan.
Born Fedor Stepanovich Kolychev, Filipp served at the court of E. V. Glinskaia (seeGLINSKIIS). In 1537, after the suppression of the revolt led by Andrei Ivanovich Staritskii with the support of the Kolychevs, he fled to the Solovetskii Monastery, where he took monastic vows. In 1548 he became the monastery’s hegumen. In July 1566 he was chosen metropolitan by the church council. In November 1568, after publicly condemning in the presence of Ivan IV Vasil’evich the arbitrary and bloody rule of the oprichnina, he was deposed and imprisoned. On the tsar’s orders, he was strangled by G. L. Skuratov-Bel’skii at the Otroch-Uspenskii Monastery in Tver’. Filipp was canonized by the Russian church in 1652.
Zimin, A. A. Oprichnina Ivana Groznogo. Moscow, 1964.Skrynnikov, R. G. Nachalo oprichniny. Leningrad, 1966.
Skrynnikov, R. G. Oprichnyi terror. Leningrad, 1969.