BRCA1 gene

BRCA1 gene

a tumor suppressor gene on chromosome 17 at locus 17q21, isolated in 1994; carriers of germline mutations in BRCA1 are predisposed to develop both breast and ovarian cancer.
See also: BRCA2 gene, carcinoma of the breast.

BRCA1 gene

(jēn) A tumor suppressor gene on chromosome 17 at locus 17q21, isolated in 1994; encodes p53 protein, which prevents cells with damaged DNA from dividing; carriers of germline mutations in BRCA1 are predisposed to develop both breast and ovarian cancer.
See also: BRCA2 gene, carcinoma of the breast

BRCA1 gene

A breast cancer gene found in a small percentage of patients with this malignancy, and carried by some individuals who will develop breast cancer later in life.

Patient care

BRCA1 Gene Mutation: Patient care focuses on determining the family history of the patient and referral to a genetic counselor with expertise in this mutation when appropriate.

See also: gene