Fort Pierce Inlet State Park

Fort Pierce Inlet State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Florida
Location:4 miles east of Fort Pierce, via North Causeway.
Facilities:Camping area (primitive) for organized youth groups, covered pavilions, trails, beach, showers, restrooms, playground.
Activities:Youth group camping, canoeing, saltwater fishing, swimming, surfing,snorkeling, scuba diving, shelling, hiking, bicycling, birding.
Special Features:Located on the north shore of Fort Pierce Inlet, this park featuresAtlantic beach, dunes, and coastal hammock. Dynamite Point, which was atraining site for Navy Frogmen during World War II, is a haven forbirdwatchers. Jack Island Preserve,located 1.5 miles north of the park, has trails for hiking, biking, andnature study.
Address:905 Shorewinds Dr
Fort Pierce, FL 34949

Size: 812 acres land; 329 acres water. Includes Jack Island.

See other parks in Florida.