Fort Point State Park

Fort Point State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Maine
Location:Off US 1 in Stockton Springs, on the tip of a peninsula jutting into Penobscot Bay.
Facilities:Picnic area, remains of historic fort with interpretive panels. Open Memorial Day-Labor Day.
Activities:Fishing, boating, hiking, bicycling, cross-country skiing (when roads are closed in winter).
Special Features:Park features more than a mile of rocky shore, a tidal sandbar, anddiverse habitat for a variety of plants and animals. It also includesFort Point State Historic Site (the remains of Fort Pownall) and theFort Point Light Station, which was built in 1836 as the first riverlight in Maine.
Address:c/o Bureau of Parks & Lands
106 Hogan Rd
Bangor, ME 04401

Size: 156 acres.

See other parks in Maine.