Fort Popham State Historic Site

Fort Popham State Historic Site

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Maine
Location:15 miles from Bath on Route 209 (2 miles from Popham Beach State Park).
Activities:Picnicking, surf fishing.
Special Features:Fort Popham was built solely for the protection of Bath Iron Works andthe statecapital, Augusta. It was constructed of massive cut granite blocks andis crescent-shaped, with defenses on all sides. Construction began in1862 for use during the Civil War, but the work stopped in 1869 and thefort was never completed. Modifications were made and it was used againin the Spanish American War and World War I. Historical recordsconclude that earlier fortifications, probably wooden, had existed hereand protected the Kennebec settlements during the Revolutionary War andthe War of 1812. It was nearby that the English made their firstattempt to colonize New England in 1607. Open Memorial Day-September 30.
Address:10 Perkins Farm Ln
Phippsburg, ME 04562

Size: 4 acres.

See other parks in Maine.