


(formerly Druskieniki; from Lithuanian druskinis, “salty”), a city in the Lithuanian SSR. Balneological, mud-bath, and climatic resort situated on the right bank of the Nemunas (Neman) River at its confluence with the Ratnycios River, 133 km from Vilnius, 130 km from Kaunas and 42 km from Grodno. Terminus of a railroad branch (19 km) of the Vilnius-Grodno line. Navigation on the Nemunas to Grodno. Population, 11,000 (1970).

Druskininkai has warm summers with average July temperatures of 18°C and fairly mild winters with average January temperatures of -5°C; autumn is somewhat warmer than spring. Annual precipitation totals about 640 mm. Therapeutic remedies include chloride sodium-calcium mineral water used for baths and inhalations; water from the Birute well has the following composition:

It is used for drinking and bottling. Peat is used for pelotherapy. Treatment is given for diseases of the locomotor organs, nervous system, and digestive organs; metabolic and cardiovascular disorders; respiratory ailments of nontubercular nature; and gynecological diseases. There are sanatoriums, a bathhouse, a large balneology and pelotherapy hospital, vacation hotels, and a park for therapeutic calisthenics with swimming pools and a waterfall. The resort is open year round. Druskininkai produces art objects. It has a branch of the Kaunas Art Museum and a memorial museum of the artist and composer M. K. Ciurlionis. The first water cure hospital was opened in 1837.


[Iushenaite, Ia., and A. Medonis.] Druskininkai [Kurort]. Vilnius, 1956.
Kondratas, V. Druskininkai. Vilnius, 1970.