Fort Ransom State Park
Fort Ransom State Park
Location:2 miles north of the town of Fort Ransom in southeastern North Dakota.
Facilities:30 campsites with electrical hookups, showers, picnic shelters,playground, trails, horse corrals, canoe and kayak rentals, groupkitchen facilities, historic buildings, visitor center.
Activities:Camping, canoeing, fishing, hiking, horseback riding, cross-country skiing, snowmobiling.
Special Features:Park is located in the scenic Sheyenne River Valley on one of NorthDakota's officially designated Scenic Byways and Backways. A shortsegment of the North Country National Scenic Trail winds through thepark (see separate entry in national trails section). A farmsteadwithin the park provides the setting for annual Sodbuster Dayscelebrations, with demonstrations and exhibits of early homesteadinglife.
Address:5981 Walt Hjelle Pkwy
Fort Ransom, ND 58033
Size: 887 acres.
See other parks in North Dakota.