Acronym | Definition |
DLG➣Dialog |
DLG➣Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft (German: German Agricultural Society) |
DLG➣Dark Latin Groove (New York pop/tropical group) |
DLG➣Digital Line Graph |
DLG➣Dansk Landbrugs Grovvareselskab (Danish feed company) |
DLG➣Dienst Landelijk Gebied |
DLG➣Digital Luxury Group (Switzerland) |
DLG➣Department of Local Government |
DLG➣Data Lifeguard |
DLG➣Dialog Resource |
DLG➣Dialog Line Graphics |
DLG➣Discs Large (protein) |
DLG➣Daddy's Little Girl |
DLG➣Destroyer Leader (Guided Missile) |
DLG➣Decentralization and Local Governance (United Nations Development Programme) |
DLG➣Democratic Local Governance |
DLG➣Developpement de Logiciels de Gestion (French: Software Development Management) |
DLG➣Devilish Little Grin |
DLG➣David Lloyd George |
DLG➣Discus- Launch Glider |
DLG➣Daniel Loiseau Gamme (French food supplier) |
DLG➣Donahue Law Group, PSC (Kentucky) |
DLG➣Dirty Little Girl |
DLG➣Driven Lattice Gas |
DLG➣Direct Line Group |
DLG➣Defense Liaison Group |
DLG➣Division Lieutenant Governor |