ACSIAssociation of Christian Schools International
ACSIAmerican Customer Satisfaction Index
ACSIAssociation Canadienne des Sciences de l'Information (French)
ACSIArmy Chief of Staff for Intelligence (US DoD)
ACSIAmerican Communications Services, Inc. (telecommunications company)
ACSIAnglo-Chinese School (Independent)
ACSIAtari Computer System Interface
ACSIAppalachian Clean Streams Initiative
ACSIAssociation of Clinical Scientists in Immunology (United Kingdom)
ACSIAlcoa Closure Systems International (various locations)
ACSIAntiguo Colegio de San Ildefonso (museum in Mexico City)
ACSIAfghanistan Civil Service Institute
ACSIAdvanced Computer System Interface
ACSIAmerica's Counter-Smuggling Initiative
ACSIAbstract Communications Service Interface
ACSIAirport Certification Safety Inspector (FAA)
ACSIAlcan Composites, Singen (European aluminum plant)