Fedor Mukhin

Mukhin, Fedor Nikanorovich


Born 1878 in what is now the city of Zavodoukovsk, Tiumen’ Oblast; died Mar. 9, 1919, in Blagoveshchensk. Hero of the Civil War of 1918–20 in the Far East. Member of the Communist Party from 1904.

Mukhin was the son of a peasant. In 1902 he went to work as a train engineer at the Petrovskii Zavod railroad station (present-day Petrovsk-Zabaikal’skii) and then at the Ul’min railroad station (present-day Mukhino). A participant in the Revolution of 1905–07, he engaged in party work in Transbaikalia and the Amur Region. In December 1917, Mukhin was a leader of the Amur Oblast Party organization, and in 1918 he became chairman of the Blagoveshchensk soviet, of the Amur Oblast executive committee, and of the Council of People’s Commissars of the Amur Workers’ Socialist Republic. Mukhin helped organize the partisan movement against the White Guards and interventionists in the Far East and was one of the leaders of the uprising in the Amur Region in January 1919. He was captured by the White Guards and shot.


Malyshev, V. P. Revoliutsioner-bol’shevik F. N. Mukhin. Blagove shchensk, 1957.