Acronym | Definition |
DLT➣Digital Linear Tape |
DLT➣Distributed Ledger Technology (blockchains) |
DLT➣Dose Limiting Toxicity |
DLT➣Department of Labor and Training (Rhode Island) |
DLT➣Drop Leaf Table (furniture) |
DLT➣Developments in Language Theory |
DLT➣Dalet SA (French software company; stock symbol) |
DLT➣Darton, Longman and Todd (UK) |
DLT➣Distributed Link Tracking |
DLT➣Data Lifeguard Tools |
DLT➣Delete |
DLT➣Director of Learning and Teaching (various locations) |
DLT➣Doritos Locos Taco (Taco Bell) |
DLT➣Decongestive Lymphatic Therapy |
DLT➣Direct Linear Transformation |
DLT➣Dental Laboratory Technician |
DLT➣Dave Lee Travis (former Radio 1 DJ) |
DLT➣Development Land Tax |
DLT➣Discharge Line Temperature (refrigeration) |
DLT➣Diagnostics and Laboratory Technology (World Health Organization) |
DLT➣Double Lumen Endobronchial Tube |
DLT➣Department Leadership Team (various organizations) |
DLT➣Desert Lightning Team (US Air Force) |
DLT➣Data Link Terminal |
DLT➣Debout les Terriens (French sustainable development association) |
DLT➣Daily Life Therapy (autism intervention method) |
DLT➣Device Level Test (semiconductors) |
DLT➣Dynamic Load Test |
DLT➣Decision Logic Table |
DLT➣Divisible Load Theory |
DLT➣Division Leadership Team |
DLT➣Data Linear Tape |
DLT➣Dominant Lethal Test |
DLT➣Distinguished Lecturer Tour |
DLT➣Droits, Libertés et Territoires (French: Rights, Freedoms and Territories; University of Lyon; Lyon, France) |
DLT➣Data Link Transceiver |
DLT➣Digital Lightwave Terminal (Alcatel) |
DLT➣Defense Laser Technology |
DLT➣Desired/During Lead Time |
DLT➣Database Log Tracking |
DLT➣Drop-List Threshold |
DLT➣Down Load Tool (Alcatel) |