Acronym | Definition |
DBE➣Disadvantaged Business Enterprise |
DBE➣Deutsche Biographische Enzyklopädie (German: German Biographical Encyclopedia) |
DBE➣Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire |
DBE➣Database Engine |
DBE➣Double Balloon Enteroscopy (bowel procedure) |
DBE➣1,2-Dibromoethane |
DBE➣Double Buffer Extension (computing) |
DBE➣Daughters of the British Empire |
DBE➣Deutsche Gesellschaft zum Bau und Betrieb von Endlagern (German society for building and maintenance of garbage final storage places) |
DBE➣Data Base Engine |
DBE➣Double Bit Error |
DBE➣Data Bus Enable |
DBE➣Dynamic Bass Enhancement |
DBE➣Data Base Environment |
DBE➣Dame of the British Empire (honorary title; UK) |
DBE➣Digital Business Ecosystem (software) |
DBE➣Deep Breathing Exercises (therapy) |
DBE➣Department of Border Enforcement (Iraqi border guards) |
DBE➣Disabled Business Enterprise |
DBE➣Development Bank of Ethiopia (est. 1994) |
DBE➣Digital Back-End (computer platform) |
DBE➣Direktoratet for brann- og eksplosjonsvern (Norwegian: Directorate for Fire and Explosion Prevention) |
DBE➣De Bene Esse (Latin: Of Well Beign; law) |
DBE➣Diploma Básico de Español (Spanish: Basic Spanish Diploma) |
DBE➣Despatch Payable Both Ends (shipping) |
DBE➣Directorate of Border Enforcement |
DBE➣Design Basis Earthquake |
DBE➣Dominet Bank Ekstraliga (Polish basketball league) |
DBE➣Décor Bois Extérieur (French: Outdoor Wood Decor) |
DBE➣DFAS Business Evolution |
DBE➣Department of Business and Employment (Australia) |
DBE➣Digital Broadcast Equipment, Inc. (Texas) |
DBE➣Design-Basis Event |
DBE➣Don't Be Evil |
DBE➣Double Bond Equivalent |
DBE➣Data Bus Element |
DBE➣Degenerate Band-Edge (photonic crystal) |
DBE➣Double Below Elbow (amputation) |
DBE➣Distorted-Wave Born Exchange |
DBE➣Departmental Budget Estimate |
DBE➣Dynamic Bias Estimator |