a plant of the Moskabel’ Production Association, which was formed in 1975. Located in Moscow, Elektroprovod is one of the oldest electrical engineering enterprises in the USSR. The products manufactured by the plant include power lines, underwater pilot cables, radio-frequency cables, jacketed electric cables, wire, and light cords. A portion of the plant’s output is exported.
The plant was founded in 1785 and became part of the Vladimir Alekseev firm in 1862 and the Moscow Association of Trade and Gold-thread Production in 1894. It was modernized in the early 1900’s, and Russia’s first shop to be equipped with diamond wiredrawing dies was built. The plant’s product line in 1916 included “bare” electric wire, insulated conductors, lead-covered cable, automobile spark plugs, and light bulbs. The manufacture of enameled wire was begun, and a multistrand, 1,200-pair telephone cable was developed. The workers of the plant took part in the Revolution of 1905–07 (the combat headquarters of druzhiny [armed workers’ detachments] and an arsenal were located on the plant’s premises) and in the October Revolution of 1917.
From 1924 to 1933, Elektroprovod was associated with the Moskabel’ Plant. Research performed at Elektroprovod in 1925 and 1926 in the chemistry and metallurgy of refractory materials served as the basis for the production of tungsten and molybdenum, as well as for the manufacture of light-bulb filaments and wire made from tungsten and molybdenum. Between 1929 and 1940, the plant manufactured products that were used in the newly constructed projects of the first five-year plans; during the Great Patriotic War of 1941–45 it produced for the front and the defense industry. In 1943, high-frequency radar cables were developed at the plant, and their commercial production was begun.
When the plant was modernized in the 1950’s and 1960’s, production processes were mechanized and automated, highly productive continuous-vulcanization units were installed, and advanced types of insulating materials—such as polyethylene, fluoroplastic, and silicone resin—were introduced. As a result, the plant’s gross output was doubled between 1966 and 1975.
Laman, N. K., and Iu. I. Krechetnikova. Istoriia zavoda “Elektroprovod.” Moscow, 1967.N. K. LAMAN