

单词 bgl



The pre-July 1999 ISO 4217 currency code for Bulgarian Lev.


ISO 4217 code for the third Bulgarian lev. It was introduced in 1962, replacing the second lev after a period of high inflation. It was likewise replaced by the fourth lev (code BGN) for the same reason in 1999.


BGLBerchtesgadener Land (Bavaria, Germany)
BGLBulgarian Lev (former currency code; now BGN)
BGLBulgarian Lev (Old)
BGLBundesverband Güterkraftverkehr Logistik und Entsorgung (German: Association of Road Haulage, Logistics and Disposal)
BGLBoost Graph Library
BGLBandera Gold Ltd
BGLBlood Glucose Level
BGLBelow Ground Level
BGLBanque Générale du Luxembourg (French)
BGLBorehole Geometry Log (petroleum industry)
BGLBritish Gas/Lurgi
BGLBig Giant Lock
BGLBrooke Group Ltd
BGLBogoso Gold Ltd.
BGLBachelor of General Law
BGLBaglung Airport (Nepal)
BGLBechta Group Ltd
BGLBattleGrounds League (gaming)
BGLBrimson Grow Library (Lombard, Illinois)
BGLBhagyanagar Gas Ltd (India)
BGLBig Georges Laraque (hockey)
BGLBibliographie des Grammairiens Latins (French)
BGLBrady Green Library (San Antonio, Texas)
BGLBig Game Lodge (gaming)
BGLBonn Guidelines
BGLBersot Gestion Location (French real estate company)
BGLBlake, Gao, and Lambert (random sequence conjecture)
BGLBomb Laser Guided
BGLBlue Grass Tours, Inc. (Blue Grass Lines)
BGLBasket Genappe Lothier (French; Belgian basketball club)
BGLBig Air Group Ltd
BGLBad Guy List
BGLBomber Group Leads (US DoD)




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