Acronym | Definition |
DHL➣Dalsey, Hillblom and Lynn (founders of DHL Worldwide Express) |
DHL➣DHL Airways (ICAO code) |
DHL➣Dag Hammarskjöld Library (UN) |
DHL➣Downloadable History Log |
DHL➣Desarrollo Humano Local (Spanish: Local Human Development) |
DHL➣Doctor of Humane Letters (degree) |
DHL➣Division Hydraulique Levage (French: Hydraulic Lift Division) |
DHL➣Diffuse Histiocytic Lymphoma (medical disorder) |
DHL➣Dynamic Head Loading |
DHL➣Doubled Haploid Lines |
DHL➣Distemper Hepatitis Leptospirosis (dog vaccine) |
DHL➣Doctor of Hebrew Literature |
DHL➣Design Heat Load |
DHL➣Degree of Honor Lodge (Masons) |
DHL➣Deck Hatch Latched |