fractional sterilization

frac·tion·al ster·il·i·za·tion

exposure to a temperature of 100°C (flowing steam) for a definite period, usually an hour, on each of several days; at each heating the developed bacteria are destroyed; spores, which are unaffected, germinate during the intervening periods and are subsequently destroyed. Synonym(s): discontinuous sterilization, intermittent sterilization, tyndallization

fractional sterilization

An obsolete type of sterilisation described by J Tyndall (1820­–1893) in which spore-forming bacteria in various stages of the cell cycle were destroyed by intermittent (e.g., one hour per day) steam sterilisation.

fractional sterilization

Sterilization in which heating is done at intervals so that spores can develop into vegetative bacteria and be destroyed. Synonym: intermittent sterilizationSee also: sterilization


John, English physicist, 1820-1893. Tyndall effect - Synonym(s): Tyndall phenomenonTyndall light - light that is reflected by gas- or liquid-suspended particles.Tyndall phenomenon - the visibility of floating particles in gases or liquids when illuminated by a ray of sunlight and viewed at right angles to the illuminating ray. Synonym(s): Tyndall effecttyndallization - exposure to a temperature of 100°C (flowing steam) for a definite period, usually an hour, on each of several days. Synonym(s): fractional sterilization