

F0018900 (fə-hē′tə)n. often fajitas A dish consisting of strips of marinated meat or vegetables that are grilled over an open fire and served in a tortilla, usually with spicy condiments.
[American Spanish, diminutive of faja, band, strip, from Latin fascia, band, bandage.]


(fəˈhiːtəz) pl n (Cookery) a Mexican dish of soft tortillas wrapped around fried strips of meat, vegetables, etc[Mexican Spanish]


(fɑˈhi təz, fə-)
n. (used with a sing. or pl. v.) a Tex-Mex dish of thin strips of marinated and grilled meat, served with tortillas, salsa, etc. [1975–80; < American Spanish, pl. of fajita literally, little sash, diminutive of Sp faja belt, strip, band (orig. dial. or < Catalan < Latin fascia fascia]