Acronym | Definition |
FFW➣Fast Forward |
FFW➣Fashion Forward |
FFW➣Freiwillige Feuerwehr (German: auxiliary fire brigade) |
FFW➣Food For Work (WFP) |
FFW➣Freeware for Windows |
FFW➣File Find and Wipe |
FFW➣Flash Flood Warning |
FFW➣Fun Ford Weekend (cars) |
FFW➣Future Force Warrior |
FFW➣Flood Forecasting and Warning |
FFW➣Foundation for Women |
FFW➣Federation of Free Workers (Philippines) |
FFW➣Final Fantasy Wallpapers |
FFW➣Fantasy Football Weekly |
FFW➣Film Festival World (various locations) |
FFW➣Forfeit Win (gaming) |
FFW➣Feet for Walking (podiatry project) |
FFW➣FormsForWeb |
FFW➣Fat Free Weight |
FFW➣Feet of Fresh Water (diving) |
FFW➣Full Figured Women |
FFW➣Failure Free Warranty |
FFW➣Freethought Fort Wayne (Indiana) |
FFW➣Federal Field Workgroup |
FFW➣Field Fit Weld (spools sections of pipe welding) |
FFW➣Focused Free Write (educational essays) |