dry pleurisy

dry pleur·i·sy

pleurisy with a fibrinous exudation, without an effusion of serum, resulting in adhesion between the opposing surfaces of the pleura. Synonym(s): adhesive pleurisy, fibrinous pleurisy, plastic pleurisy

dry pleurisy

A complication of acute bacterial pneumonia, tuberculosis or rheumatic fever, caused by multiple serofibrinous adhesions on the visceral pleura, which may, if intense, cause fibrothorax.
Clinical findings
Pain and guarding on inspiration; patients often lie on the affected side to “splint”.

dry pleu·ri·sy

(drī plūr'i-sē) Pleurisy with a fibrinous exudation, without an effusion of serum, resulting in adhesion between the opposing surfaces of the pleura.
Synonym(s): adhesive pleurisy, fibrinous pleurisy, plastic pleurisy.