Acronym | Definition |
ECO➣Engineering Change Order |
ECO➣Electronic Central Office |
ECO➣Ecology |
ECO➣Economics |
ECO➣Engineering, Construction & Operations |
ECO➣Economic Cooperation Organization |
ECO➣Environmental Careers Organization |
ECO➣Electronic Control (Sprint) |
ECO➣Europe Centrale et Orientale (France: Central and Eastern Europe) |
ECO➣Escherichia Coli |
ECO➣Early Childhood Outcomes |
ECO➣Engineering Change Order (various companies) |
ECO➣Epichlorohydrin (rubber) |
ECO➣Environmental Career Opportunities |
ECO➣Emil Chronicle Online (role-playing game) |
ECO➣Ethernet Connection (NEC) |
ECO➣Earls Court and Olympia (London, England) |
ECO➣Executive Council Office (Canada) |
ECO➣Export Control Officer |
ECO➣Education and Communication Officer (UK) |
ECO➣European Cluster Observatory (regional economic information) |
ECO➣Environmental Conservation Organization |
ECO➣Economy Mode |
ECO➣Enterprise Configurator |
ECO➣Enterprise Core Objects |
ECO➣Economy |
ECO➣Evangelical Covenant Order (Presbyterian denomination) |
ECO➣Early Canadiana Online (digital library) |
ECO➣Environmental Commissioner of Ontario (Canada) |
ECO➣Electronic Collections Online (various organizations) |
ECO➣Execution and Control of Operations |
ECO➣Engine Certification Office (FAA) |
ECO➣Entry Clearance Officer (UK immigration) |
ECO➣Environment Control Officer (Singapore) |
ECO➣Encyclopedia of Chess Openings |
ECO➣Enhanced Company Operations (US Marine Corps) |
ECO➣Electronic Combat Officer (US DoD) |
ECO➣Edison-Chouest Offshore |
ECO➣Emergency Custody Order (mental health) |
ECO➣Environmental and Conservation Organisations (of Aotearoa, New Zealand) |
ECO➣Enterprise Core Object |
ECO➣Electron-Coupled Oscillator |
ECO➣Energy Cut Off |
ECO➣Ecological Scenario |
ECO➣Emergency Coordinating Officer |
ECO➣Equity Carve-Out |
ECO➣Entry Control Officer (UK fire service) |
ECO➣Earth Communication Office |
ECO➣Electronic Countermeasures Officer |
ECO➣European Communications Office |
ECO➣Equitable Consideration Offer (IRS) |
ECO➣Equipment Control Officer |
ECO➣Export Control Organization (UK) |
ECO➣Emergency Changeover Order signal (CCS #7 & ITU-T) |
ECO➣Entrega Comunicación Oración (Spanish: Delivery Communication Prayer) |
ECO➣Enhanced Connectivity Options (AT&T) |
ECO➣European Certifying Organization SpA (Italy) |
ECO➣Economic Competitive Opportunity |
ECO➣Electioneering Communication Organizations |
ECO➣Emergency Control Officer |
ECO➣End Central Office (NARTE) |
ECO➣Environmental Citizen Organisation |
ECO➣Embarkation Control Office |
ECO➣Engagement Control Officer (Tomahawk) |
ECO➣Edit Change Order |
ECO➣Experiment in Construction with Object-Oriented Methods |
ECO➣online Electronic Certificate of Origin (trade) |
ECO➣Extraordinary Customer Opportunity (Sprint) |
ECO➣Equal Competitive Opportunity (FCC) |
ECO➣Elite Combat Operatives (gaming clan) |
ECO➣Environmental Compliance Organization International LLC (Portland, OR) |