City of Rocks State Park

City of Rocks State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / New Mexico
Location:24 miles northwest of Deming on US 180, then 4 miles northeast on NM 61.
Facilities:42 developed campsites (10 with electric hookups), restrooms (é),showers, picnic area (é), group shelter, trails, desert botanical garden, observatory, visitorcenter, interpretive exhibits.
Activities:Camping, hiking, wildlife viewing.
Special Features:Park was named for its incredible rock formations, which were formed ofvolcanic ash welded together 30 million years ago, then sculpted bywind and water into rows of monolithic blocks. A new addition to thepark is a public night sky observatory where star parties are to beheld.
Address:PO Box 50
Faywood, NM 88034

Size: 1,230 acres land. Elevation: 5,250 feet.

See other parks in New Mexico.