Dmitrieva, Elizaveta
Dmitrieva, Elizaveta
(revolutionary pseudonym of Elizaveta Lukinichna Kusheleva). Born May 1851 in Pskov Province; died after 1909. Russian revolutionary, an active participant in the Paris Commune of 1871.
Dmitrieva was the daughter of a nobleman. In the autumn of 1868 she went abroad, and in 1870 she was an active participant in the Russian section of the First International. In December 1870 she visited K. Marx in London with a report on the work of the section. During the Paris Commune she was Marx’ Paris correspondent and was one of the initiators of the Central Women’s Committee. Heading the women’s battalion of the Communards, Dmitrieva fought on the barricades in Paris. Soon after the fall of the Commune she returned to Russia. She no longer participated in the social movement. From 1905 she lived in Moscow.
K. Marks, F. Engel’s i revoliutsionnaia Rossiia. Moscow, 1967.Knizhnik-Vetrov, I. S. Russkie deiatel’nitsy Pervogo Internatsionala i Parizhskoi kommuny. Moscow-Leningrad, 1964.