Dmitriev, Nikolai Konstantinovich

Dmitriev, Nikolai Konstantinovich


Born Aug. 16 (28), 1898, in Moscow; died Dec. 22, 1954, in Moscow. Soviet linguist and Turkologist, corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1943), member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR (1945). Professor at Leningrad University (1925-41) and Moscow University (beginning in 1929).

Dmitriev was the founder of the Soviet school of Turkology and published scholarly descriptions of a number of Turkic languages (The Structure of Turkish, 1939; Gagauz Studies, 1940; The Grammar of Kumyk, 1940; The Grammar of Bashkir, 1948). Dmitriev studied problems of Turko-Slavic linguistic ties (Studies on Serbian-Turkic Linguistic Interaction, parts 1-4, 1928-29). He made available a number of editions of Turkic folkore texts (songs, folktales), accompanying them with linguistic and literary commentaries.


Voprosy izucheniia khakasskogo iazyka i ego dialektov. (Materialy dlia nauchnoi grammatiki.) Abakan, 1954. (In collaboration with F. G. Iskhakov.)
Stroi tiurkskikh iazykov. Moscow, 1962. [Selected works.]


Sevortian, E. V. “Iz istorii razvitiia sovetskoi tiurkologii (pamiati N. K. Dmitrieva).” Izv. AN SSSR: Otdelenie literatury i iazyka, 1955, vol. 14, issue 2.