Dmitriev, Vladimir Karpovich

Dmitriev, Vladimir Karpovich


Born Nov. 24 (Dec. 6), 1868, in Smolensk Province; died Sept. 30, 1913, in Gatchina. Russian mathematical economist and statistician.

Dmitriev was associated with the mathematical school of bourgeois political economy. After graduation from the law department of Moscow University (1896), Dmitriev worked in the Bureau of Excise Duties. Dmitriev attempted to reconcile the theory of value with the theory of marginal utility. Using linear equations, he was one of the first to formulate the complete expenditure of labor, by introducing the so-called technological coefficients. Dmitriev exaggerated the significance of psychological factors, attempting to synthesize the ideas of classical and psychological political economy. (The contributions of Dmitriev in the development of mathematical economics have been vastly overestimated by the bourgeois economists Vladimir Bortkevich, R. Orzhentskii, and A. Nove.)


Ekonomicheskie ocherki. Moscow, 1904.
Kriticheskie issledovaniia opotreblenii alkogolia v Rossii. Moscow, 1911.


Istoriia russkoi ekonomicheskoi mysli, vol. 3, part 1. Moscow, 1966.