Fatkhi Burnash
Burnash, Fatkhi
(literary pseudonym of Fatkhelislam Zakirovich Burnashev). Born Jan. 1 (13), 1898; died January 1946. Soviet Tatar dramatist, poet, and publicist. Joined the CPSU in 1919.
Burnash was educated at a madrasah in Kazan. After the October Revolution, he was an organizer of the Tatar press. Notable among his early works are the romantic tragedy Takhir and Zukhra (published separately in 1920) and the drama Young Hearts (published separately in 1920). Burnash wrote the plays Khusani Mirza (performed in 1922), Old Kamali (performed in 1925), the dramas The Lost Maiden (1928) and Falcons (1934), and collections of verse. He translated works of A. S. Pushkin, I. S. Turgenev, L. N. Tolstoy, M. Gorky, N. Ostrovskii, and others.
Saylanma äsärlär, vols. 1-2, Kazan, 1959.In Russian translation:
Poety Sovetskoi Tatarii (selections). Moscow, 1936.
Sokoly. In the anthology Teatr narodov SSSR. Moscow, 1934.
Gïyzzät, B. “Fätkhi Bürnash.” Sovet ädäbiyätï, 1958, no. 1.Äkhmädüllin, A. Fätkhi Bürnash. Kazan, 1967. (Bibliography, pp. 163-74).