Brekhov, Konstantin Ivanovich
Brekhov, Konstantin Ivanovich
Born Feb. 21 (Mar. 6), 1907, in Slaviansk, in present-day Donetsk Oblast. Soviet governmental and economic official. Member of the CPSU since 1931.
Brekhov was born into the family of a railroad worker. He graduated from the Kharkov Mechanical and Machine-Building Institute in 1936 and worked as a technician and engineer at machine-building plants from 1931 to 1942. From 1942 to 1949 he was chief engineer, deputy director, and director of the Irkutsk Heavy Machine-Building Plant. He was director of the Southern Urals Machine-Building Plant from 1949 to 1954 and deputy minister of construction and road machine building of the USSR from 1954 to 1957. Brekhov held high managerial posts in the Moscow Oblast economic council from July 1957 to 1964. He was chairman of the state committee of chemistry and oil machine building of the Gosplan (State Planning Committee) of the USSR with the rank of minister of the USSR in 1964 and 1965. He has been minister of chemistry and oil machine building of the USSR since September 1965. The Twenty-second (1961) and Twenty-third (1966) Congresses of the CPSU elected him an alternate member of the CPSU Central Committee, and he was a deputy to the sixth, seventh, and eighth convocations of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. He has been awarded two Orders of Lenin, other orders, and a medal.