bremsstrahlung radiation

brems·strah·lung ra·di·a·tion

(bremz'shtrah-lung rā'dē-ā'shūn) When a high-speed electron from the cathode stream is slowed down and pulled off course by the positive pull of the target, this represents a loss of energy which is given up as heat and an x-ray photon. Most x-rays in medicine and dentistry are of Bremsstrahlung origin.
Synonym(s): braking radiation.
[Ger. Brems, brake, + Strahlung, radiation]

bremsstrahlung radiation

Diagnostic radiation produced at the target of the anode in an x-ray tube. An electron is accelerated at high speed from the x-ray tube cathode filament. It interacts with the nuclear field of a target atom, changing direction and losing energy that is emitted in the form of an ionizing radiation photon. The result is a heterogeneous beam. Synonym: braking radiationSee also: radiation

brems·strah·lung ra·di·a·tion

(bremz'shtrah-lung rā'dē-ā'shūn) When a high-speed electron from the cathode stream is slowed down and pulled off course by the positive pull of the target, this represents a loss of energy which is given up as heat and an x-ray photon. Most x-rays in medicine and dentistry are of bremsstrahlung origin.
Synonym(s): braking radiation.
[Ger. Brems, brake, + Strahlung, radiation]