catscratch disease

cat·scratch dis·ease (CSD),

a benign, subacute illness caused by Bartonella henselae, and characterized by regional lymphadenitis following the scratch (occasionally the bite) of a cat. Synonym(s): benign inoculation lymphoreticulosis, benign inoculation reticulosis, catscratch fever, regional granulomatous lymphadenitis

cat·scratch dis·ease

, catscratch fever (CSD) (kat'skrach di-zēz', fē'vĕr) An infection that causes chronic benign adenopathy in most cases, especially in children and young adults, usually associated with a cat scratch or bite. In most cases it is caused by the bacterium Bartonella henselae. The lymphadenopathy usually resolves spontaneously within a period of several months. The infection may cause other clinical symptoms such as fever of unknown origin, encephalitis, microabscess in the liver and spleen, and osteomyelitis.
Synonym(s): benign inoculation lymphoreticulosis, benign inoculation reticulosis, regional granulomatous lymphadenitis.

cat·scratch dis·ease

, catscratch fever(CSD) (kat'skrach di-zēz', fē'vĕr) Benign, subacute illness caused by Bartonella henselae; characterized by regional lymphadenitis following the scratch (occasionally the bite) of a cat.