diabetic dermopathy


 [der-mop´ah-the] any skin disease; dermatopathy. adj., adj dermopath´ic.diabetic dermopathy any of several cutaneous manifestations of diabetes mellitus.thyroid dermopathy pretibial myxedema.

di·a·bet·ic der·mop·a·thy

small macules and papules of the extensor surfaces of the extremities, most commonly the shins of diabetic patients, which become atrophic, hyperpigmented, and occasionally undergo ulceration with scarring; may be a manifestation of microangiopathy.

di·a·bet·ic der·mop·a·thy

(dī-ă-bet'ik dĕr-mop'ă-thē) Small macules and papules of the extensor surfaces of the extremities, most commonly the shins of diabetic patients, which become atrophic, hyperpigmented, and occasionally undergo ulceration with scarring; may be a manifestation of microangiopathy.


(der-mo'pa-the) [? + ?] Any disease of the skin.

diabetic dermopathy

Necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum.