Acronym | Definition |
DSAC➣Direction de la Sécurité de l'Aviation Civile (French: Safety Directorate of Civil Aviation) |
DSAC➣Distinguished Service Award Committee |
DSAC➣Delhi State AIDS Control Society (India) |
DSAC➣Dean's Student Advisory Committee |
DSAC➣Deputy Special Agent in Charge (various organizations) |
DSAC➣DLA Systems Automation Center |
DSAC➣Defense Systems Affordability Council |
DSAC➣Dam Safety Action Class (US Army Corps of Engineers) |
DSAC➣Down Syndrome Association of Charlotte (North Carolina) |
DSAC➣Defense Systems Automation Center |
DSAC➣Defense Science Advisory Committee |
DSAC➣Deterministic Severe Accident Criterion |
DSAC➣Depression and Suicide Awareness Campaign |
DSAC➣Deputy Supreme Allied Commander |
DSAC➣Defence Service Assistance Centre (Returned & Services League of Australia, NSW branch) |