


a group of people, remnants of the ancient population of Ethiopia: Bilen (Bogos), Xamir, Xamta, Qwara, Kemant, Kayla, and Awiya. The Agau live in the provinces of Gojam and Wollo, near Lake Tana, in the vicinity of Gondar and to the north of Asmara in Eritrea. The overall Agau population is about 60,000 (1967 estimate). They speak Cushitic languages. Some of the Agau have been assimilated into the Amharic-speaking majority, and others have adopted the Tigrai and Tigre languages. Among the Agau are Muslims, Christian Monophysites, and Judaists (the Falasha). The main occupation of the Agau is farming in conjunction with livestock breeding.


Narody Afriki. Moscow, 1954.
Rait, M. V. Narody Efiopii. Moscow, 1965.
Ullendorff, E. The Ethiopians, 2nd. ed. London, 1965.