Dmitrii Azbukin

Azbukin, Dmitrii Ivanovich


Born May 23 (April 6), 1883; died June 8, 1953. Soviet psychiatrist and specialist on inadequacies. Became corresponding member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR in 1945, Honored Scientists of the RSFSR in 1947. Member of the CPSU from 1942.

During the years from 1947 to 1953 Azbukin was director of a scientific research institute in mental deficiencies. His basic research was directed at problems of teaching the oligophrenic and the clinical problems of oligophrenia. Azbukin organized courses at institutions of higher education for training teachers of the feebleminded.


Umstvennaia otstalost’ detei i kak s nei borot’sia. Moscow, 1926.
Osnovy psikhopatologii i psykhogigieny detskogo vozrasta dlia pedagogov: Zadaniia 1–3. Moscow, 1930.
Klinika oligofrenii. Moscow, 1936.
“Problemy spetsial’noi pedagogiki i psikhologii.” Trudy instituta defektologii, Izvestiia APN RSFSR, 1948, issue 19.
Kniga dlia uchitelia shkoly glukhonemykh. Edited by D. I. Azbukin and others. Moscow, 1949.