Acronym | Definition |
DCeP➣Data Center Energy Productivity |
DCeP➣Digital Corpus of the European Parliament (documentation) |
DCeP➣Direct-Current Electrode Positive |
DCeP➣Deuxième Cycle des Études Pharmaceutiques (French: Second Round of Pharmaceutical Studies) |
DCeP➣Data Curation Education Program (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Champaign, IL) |
DCeP➣District Comprehensive Educational Plan (New York) |
DCeP➣Danish Centre for Experimental Parasitology (Denmark) |
DCeP➣Department of Consumer and Employment Protection (Australia) |
DCeP➣Data Center Energy Practitioner (certification; US Department of Energy) |
DCeP➣Delta Cepheid (class of variable star) |