

单词 afa
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The ISO 4217 currency code for Afghan Afghani.


ISO 4217 representation for the Afghan afghani that was issued between 1925 and 2002. Formerly pegged to the Indian rupee and the U.S. dollar, it became a floating currency in 1992. During the political instability of the 1990s, the afghani experienced rampant inflation. After the U.S.-led invasion, the Afghan government began issuing a new afghani with the ISO 4217 symbol "AFN." The afghani was divided into 100 pul. See also: Currency pair.


AFAAir Force Association
AFAAmerican Family Association
AFAAssociation of Flight Attendants
AFAAcademia da Força Aérea (Portuguese: Air Force Academy)
AFAAir Force Academy
AFAAutoroute Ferroviaire Alpine (French: Alpine Highway Rail; France and Italy)
AFAAs Far As
AFAAbsetzung für Abnutzung (German: depreciation deduction)
AFAAlzheimer's Foundation of America
AFAAsian Film Academy (various locations)
AFAAphanizomenon Flos-Aquae (blue-green algae)
AFAAll Flash Array (data storage)
AFAAssociation des Fournisseurs d'Accès et de Services Internet
AFAArgentina Football Assosiation (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
AFAAdverse Facts Available (commerce regulation)
AFAAmerican Farrier`s Association
AFAAssociation Française d'Astronomie (French: French Astronomy Association)
AFAArmored Field Artillery (US Army)
AFAArgument Field Asterisk
AFAArbitrary Function Argument
AFAApparel, Footwear and Accessories (clothing sector)
AFAAssociation Française des Anthropologues (French: French Association of Anthropologists)
AFAAmerican Fence Association
AFAAmerican Federation of Arts
AFAAsian Farmers Association for Sustainable Rural Development
AFAAmerican Federation of Astrologers
AFAAsociacion Fisica Argentina
AFAAssociation Francaise d'Arbitrage (French: French Arbitration Association)
AFAAnti-Fascist Action
AFAAmerican Finance Association
AFAAction for AIDS (Singapore)
AFAAssociation des Fournisseurs d'Acces à Internet (French Access Providers Association)
AFAAmerican Forensics Association
AFAAustralian Field Artillery
AFAAmerican Ferret Association
AFAAssociation of Fraternity Advisors
AFAAssociation Française d'Attelage (French: French Carriage Driving Association)
AFAAssociation François Aupetit
AFAAction for Animals
AFAAsociación de Fútbol Argentino (Argentine Football Association)
AFAAssociate in Fine Arts (degree)
AFAAmerican Freestyle Association (bicycle motocross; est. 1982)
AFAAfghan Afghani (former currency code; now AFN)
AFAAction Figure Authority (toy grading service)
AFAAlternative Fee Arrangement (contracts)
AFAAutomatic Fire Alarm
AFAAlberta Fencing Association
AFAAssociation Française d'Acupuncture (French: French Acupuncture Association)
AFAAmerican Fisheries Act
AFAAgriculture Future of America
AFAAmerican Federation of Aviculture
AFAAmerican Forestry Association
AFAAmerican Franchisee Association (Chicago, IL)
AFAASEAN Federation of Accountants
AFAA Fan Always
AFAAgriculture, Fisheries and Aquaculture (Canada)
AFAAdvanced Fuel Assembly (nuclear power)
AFAAdmiral Farragut Academy (St. Petersburg, FL)
AFAAdoptive Families of America
AFAAlternative Futures Associates
AFAArab Fertilizer Association
AFAAlabama Forestry Association
AFAAlaska Forest Association
AFAAssociate of the Institute of Financial Accountants (UK)
AFAAmerican Flight Airways
AFAAdvertising Federation of America
AFAAccelerated File Access
AFAArmed Females of America
AFAAmerican Fiberboard Association
AFAAssociação dos Amigos das Forças Armadas Portuguesas (Portuguese: Association of Friends of the Portuguese Armed Forces)
AFAArchiv für Agrargeschichte (German: archives for agrarian history)
AFAAssociation Francaise d'Approximation (French)
AFAAlliance for America
AFAAudio Frequency Amplifier
AFAAcross Five Aprils (novel and band)
AFAAmerican Freedom Agenda (Washington, DC)
AFAActors Fund of America
AFAAlgonquin Forestry Authority (Ontario, Canada)
AFAAssociate Financial Advisor
AFAAction de Formation Alternée
AFAAuthentic Food Artisan
AFAAcademic Film Archive of North America
AFAAuthorised Financial Adviser (New Zealand)
AFAAmerican Flock Association
AFAAmerican Fitness Alliance
AFAAbundant Forests Alliance (est. 2006)
AFAAnkyloblepharon Filiforme Adnatum
AFAAcromegaloid Facial Appearance Syndrome
AFAAbstract Factor Analysis
AFAAll Faculty Association (Santa Rosa Junior College)
AFAA Friend Always
AFAAlabama Firefighters Association
AFAAir Force Advisor
AFAAngel From Above
AFAArmy Flight Activity
AFAAerial Field Artillery
AFAApplication for Adjustment
AFAAbsaroka Fine Arts
AFAAlternate Form of Annuity
AFAAirframe Assembly
AFAAbercrombie and Fitch Army
AFAAugusta Ferry Authority (Augusta, Kentucky)
AFAAdaptive Fourier Analyzer
AFAAdoption Family Assessment
AFAAssociate of the Faculty of Actuaries (UK)
AFAAsociación Fe y Alegría (Association of Faith and Joy, Guatemala)
AFAAngel Flight America, Inc.
AFAAlberta Forestry Association (Canada)
AFAA for Apple (children's clothing line)
AFAArchitecture of the Future Army
AFAAmerican Fine Arm
AFAAmerican Foundrymens' Association
AFAAnother Freaking Acronym
AFAArmy Functional Assessment
AFAAmerican Formalwear Association (now International Formalwear Association)
AFAAdaptive Fusion Algorithm
AFAAverage Field Attenuation
AFAAverage Fock Approximation
AFAAutomated Financial Analysis
AFAAutomatic Format Assignment
AFAAsthma Foundations Australia




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