Brezina, Otakar
Březina, Otakar
(ô`täkär brzhĕ`zĭnä), 1868–1929, Czech lyric poet, leader of the Czech symbolistssymbolists,in literature, a school originating in France toward the end of the 19th cent. in reaction to the naturalism and realism of the period. Designed to convey impressions by suggestion rather than by direct statement, symbolism found its first expression in poetry but
..... Click the link for more information. , whose original name was Václav Jebavý. The first collection of his poetry, Tajemné dálky [mysterious distances], appeared in 1895. It was followed by four more volumes of mystic, highly imaginative verse, and by one of essays, Hudba prameṅ [the music of the springs] (1903). Březina is considered one of the greatest of Czech poets.
See translations of his works by P. Selver in Otakar Březina (1921).