BRFABudget Reconciliation and Financing Act of 2002
BRFABay Ridge Festival of the Arts
BRFABrownfield Redevelopment Financing Act
BRFABlue Ridge Family Alliance
BRFABottomfish Restricted Fishing Area
BRFABrachiaria Fasciculata
BRFABarrel Register Full Adder
BRFABrownfield Redevelopment Financing Authority
BRFABelgian Royal Film Archive
BRFABruant Fauve
BRFABow Ridge Fault Alcove
BRFABrown Falcon
BRFABrisbane RnB Forums Anonymous
BRFABear River Field Archers
BRFABond Retirement and Financing Account
BRFAFireman Apprentice, Boilermaker Striker (USN rating)
BRFABreached Reference Fiel Assembly
BRFABipolar Radiofrequency Ablation
BRFABritish Rocket Flying Association (UK)
BRFABlue Roof Franchisee Association (International House of Pancakes)