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eruptive fever Mediterranean spotted fevertick-borne infection with Rickettsia conorii seen in Africa, Europe, the Middle East, and India and known by different names in different areas, for example, Marseilles fever, Crimean fever, Indian tick typhus, and Kenya fever. Two forms are Mediterranean exanthematous fever (q.v.), which manifests as skin eruptions, and Mediterranean erythematous fever (q.v.), which manifests as skin redness. See: Rickettsia conorii. Synonym(s): boutonneuse fever, Crimean fever, eruptive fever, fièvre boutonneuse, Indian tick typhus, Kenya fever, Marseilles fever, tick typhusPatient discussion about eruptive feverQ. My wife ran a fever 3 days ago. Now has red rash head 2 toe. Her feet r Swelling and she is weak. Any sugg. Any suggestions? She is feeling weak and her feet appear to be swelling.A. A woman with swelling feet is also suspecting kidney problem because she has only one kidney after her right kidney was removed 24 years ago. She is also diabetic and also taking regular medication for her high blood pressure. Any one of the medications might cause the symptoms. please advise. thanks More discussions about eruptive fever |