

C0172900 (kôz, kŭz)conj. Informal Because.



n., v. caused, caus•ing. n. 1. a person that acts or a thing that occurs so as to produce a specific result: the cause of the accident. 2. the reason or motive for some action: a cause for rejoicing. 3. good or sufficient reason: to complain without cause. 4. a. a ground of legal action. b. a case for judicial decision. 5. a principle, ideal, goal, or movement to which a person or group is dedicated: the Socialist cause; the human rights cause. v.t. 6. to be the cause of; bring about. Idioms: make common cause, to unite in a joint effort. [1175–1225; Middle English (< Old French) < Latin causa reason, sake] caus′a•ble, adj. caus`a•bil′i•ty, n.


(kɔz, kʌz, unstressed kəz)

conj. Informal. because. [1400–50]