Enisei Ridge

Enisei Ridge


the elevated southwest rim of the Middle Siberian Plateau, in Krasnoiarsk Krai, RSFSR. Enisei Ridge extends from the Kan River in the southwest along the right bank of the Enisei. It is nearly 700 km long. In central areas it is 800–900 m high, reaching 1,104 m (Mount Enashimskii Polkan). The ridge is composed of gneisses, crystalline schists, and limestone breached by intrusions of granites, combined with gold deposits, which are being worked. The Enisei Ridge has rounded peaks and crests and is divided by a network of broad, swampy valleys. Slightly above the mouth of the Podkamennaia Tunguska, the Enisei Ridge is intersected by the Enisei Valley, where it forms the Osinovo Rapids. A dark coniferous taiga lies on the slopes; the highest peaks are without forests but are covered by growths of low shrubs (ernik) or by rock streams. There are deposits of iron ore, bauxite, magnesite, and talc.