

(World-Wide Web)A complete free, open-source web browser from the Mozilla Foundation and therefore a truecode descendent of Netscape Navigator. The first non-beta release was in late 2004.

Firefox Home.


A popular open source Web browser for Windows, Mac and Linux from the Mozilla project. Including a search box for Google and other major sites, the Firefox user interface is customizable by adding "extensions," such as a stock tracker, autofill and hundreds of others.

Quite an Impact
Introduced in 2004, Firefox caused much notoriety, and by mid-2005 captured more than 10% of the browser market. Reaching 25% by 2010, it has since declined due to the popularity of the Chrome browser. Many viewed Firefox as a more secure alternative to Internet Explorer (IE), which has always been under attack. Pundits argue whether Firefox is safer because of better design or simply that hackers have no quarrel with open source software.

A Ghost from the Past

Firefox stemmed from the Netscape browser, which was a casualty of the browser wars in the late 1990s. After Netscape evolved into a very large and somewhat bloated application, it was turned into the open source Mozilla project.

In the early 2000s, the Gecko rendering engine was excised out of Mozilla and combined with the XUL user interface language to create a leaner, faster Mozilla browser. Renamed Phoenix, then Firebird, it finally gave birth as Firefox. For more information, visit See Firefox OS, Netscape, Mozilla, XUL and Greasemonkey.

Firefox on the Mac
An innovative browser, Firefox was one of the first to organize viewing history and provide tabs.