Acronym | Definition |
DSI➣Decision Sciences Institute |
DSI➣DYWIDAG Systems International |
DSI➣Deep Sky Imager (astrophotography) |
DSI➣Department of Special Investigation (Thailand) |
DSI➣Data Systems, Inc. (various locations) |
DSI➣Directeur des Systèmes d'Information (French: Director of Information Systems; various organizations) |
DSI➣Direct Spark Ignition (propane fired appliances) |
DSI➣Design Services, Inc. (various locations) |
DSI➣Document Solutions, Inc. |
DSI➣Destination Software, Inc. (est. 2001; Moorestown, NJ) |
DSI➣Direction des Systèmes d'Information (French: Directorate of Information Systems; France and Switzerland) |
DSI➣Daiichi Sankyo, Inc. (Parsippany, NJ) |
DSI➣Dry Sorbent Injection |
DSI➣Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Informazione (Italian university) |
DSI➣Data Service & Information (various companies) |
DSI➣Data Science Initiative (various schools) |
DSI➣Digital Systems International Inc. |
DSI➣Disease Severity Index |
DSI➣Direct Steam Injection |
DSI➣Dynamic Skeleton Interface (CORBA server-side API) |
DSI➣Drive Select Interface |
DSI➣Dual Sequential Ignition |
DSI➣Data Search Information |
DSI➣Digital Signal Interface |
DSI➣Data Server Interface |
DSI➣Data Stream Interface over Ip |
DSI➣Dual Stage Intake |
DSI➣Dynamic Systems Initiative |
DSI➣Desktop Statistics Integration |
DSI➣Development Studies Institute |
DSI➣Drought Severity Index |
DSI➣Dynamic Systems Initiative (Microsoft) |
DSI➣Dutch Securities Institute |
DSI➣Department of Safety and Inspections (Minnesota) |
DSI➣Défense et Sécurité Internationale (French: Defense and International Security; publication) |
DSI➣Data Storage Institute |
DSI➣Distribution Solutions, Inc. (Plymouth, MA) |
DSI➣Dynamic Solutions International (Englewood, CO) |
DSI➣Detailed Site Investigation (land development; various locations) |
DSI➣Data Systems International |
DSI➣Deutsche Securities, Inc. (Deutsche Bank; Germany) |
DSI➣Dual Sensory Impairment(s) |
DSI➣Dominican Studies Institute (City University of New York) |
DSI➣De Samvirkende Invalideorganisationer (Danish: Federation of Organizations of Disabled People) |
DSI➣Distribution Services Industriels (French: Industrial Distribution Services) |
DSI➣Dysfunction in Sensory Integration |
DSI➣Distributed Storage Infrastructure |
DSI➣Dienst Speciale Interventies (Dutch counterterrorism unit) |
DSI➣Development Services International (various organizations) |
DSI➣Digital Spot Imaging (diagnostic technique) |
DSI➣Distribution and Service, Inc. (Fairfax, VA) |
DSI➣Dealer Satisfaction Index |
DSI➣Defense Simulation Internet |
DSI➣Digital Speech Interpolation |
DSI➣Deliberate Self Injury |
DSI➣Direct Service Industry |
DSI➣Dotation Spéciale pour le Logement des Instituteurs (French: Special Allocation for Housing for Teachers) |
DSI➣Dual Sequential Ignition (Honda automotive engine technology) |
DSI➣Distribution Service International (France) |
DSI➣Diseminación Selectiva de Información (Spanish) |
DSI➣Digital Switch Interface |
DSI➣Dipole Shear Imager (energy production) |
DSI➣Devlet Su Isleri (Turkish state water works) |
DSI➣Discrete Surface Integral (microwave theory) |
DSI➣Dirty South Improv (Carrboro, North Carolina) |
DSI➣Delivered Source Instructions |
DSI➣Dominican Sisters International (Rome) |
DSI➣Data Securities International |
DSI➣Destin, FL, USA (Airport Code) |
DSI➣Development Strategy Institute (Vietnam) |
DSI➣Data Sharing and Interoperability |
DSI➣Dial Services Interface |
DSI➣Devry Student ID |
DSI➣Deutsche Schule Istanbul (German high school, Istanbul, Turkey) |
DSI➣Dentistes Solidaires et Indépendants (French: United and Independent Dentists) |
DSI➣Du Sordet Immobilier (French real estate firm) |
DSI➣Dayananda Sagar Institutions |
DSI➣Data Subscriber Interface |
DSI➣Defense Security Intelligence |
DSI➣Division of Services Improvement |
DSI➣Dansk System Industri A/S |
DSI➣Data Set Interface |
DSI➣Defense Security Institute |
DSI➣Data Systems Inquiry |
DSI➣Daily Stock Inventory |
DSI➣Dual Stage Inflator (air bag) |
DSI➣Data Service Interface |
DSI➣Developmental Science Initiative |
DSI➣Distilled Spirits Institute |
DSI➣Declared Site Inspection |
DSI➣Délégation de Service Informatique (French information technology department) |
DSI➣Diversified Services for Industry, Inc |
DSI➣Datawest Solutions Inc |
DSI➣Director's Strategic Initiatives (US Army Research Laboratory) |
DSI➣Data Security Interface |
DSI➣Data Security Insurance |
DSI➣Direct Switch Interface |
DSI➣Download Server Initiate Control Message |
DSI➣Dissimilar Source Integration |
DSI➣Driver Style Identifier |
DSI➣Day Sales Inventory |
DSI➣Direct Signal Interference |
DSI➣Dealer Self-Inspection (automotive sales) |
DSI➣Defense Suppression Integration |
DSI➣Defense System Information |
DSI➣De Sua Impensa (Latin: At His Own Expenses, epigraphy) |
DSI➣Descendants Similarity Inheritance |