Acronym | Definition |
CJR➣Columbia Journalism Review |
CJR➣Care for Joint Replacement (healthcare) |
CJR➣Cour de Justice de la République (French: Court of Justice of the Republic) |
CJR➣Cecil John Rhodes (British Prime Minister of the Cape Colony) |
CJR➣Centre for Japanese Research (University of British Columbia; Canada) |
CJR➣Career Job Reservation |
CJR➣Culpeper Regional Airport (airport code, VA) |
CJR➣Centre for Justice and Reconciliation (est. 2003; Netherlands) |
CJR➣Commodity Jurisdiction Request |
CJR➣Camp de Jour Rosemont (Montreal, Canada) |
CJR➣Club des Jeunes Renanais (French youth sports club) |