


C0543500 (kŏn′sən-trāt′)v. con·cen·trat·ed, con·cen·trat·ing, con·cen·trates a. To direct or draw toward a common center; focus.b. To bring into one main body: Authority was concentrated in the president.2. To make (a solution or mixture) less dilute.v.intr.1. a. To converge toward or meet in a common center.b. To increase by degree; gather: "Dusk began to concentrate into full night" (Anthony Hyde).2. To direct one's thoughts or attention: We concentrated on the task before us.n. A product that has been concentrated, especially a food that has been reduced in volume or bulk by the removal of liquid: pineapple juice concentrate.
[From concenter.]
con′cen·tra′tive adj.con′cen·tra′tive·ly adv.con′cen·tra′tor n.


(ˈkɒnsənˌtreɪtɪv) adjtending to concentrate; characterized by concentration ˈconcenˌtratively adv ˈconcenˌtrativeness n